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Day Two as a Fulbright Grantee at School!

My Tuesday started off the same as Monday…except I couldn’t get out of bed on time….5:30 is EARLY. I still made the bus thank goodness and came to Su-Ao successfully once more. Sophie bought me a train pass on Monday so I no longer need to ask for tickets. I can just show them my pass and walk through. So convenient!

When I first got to school we had Morning Assembly. I had to give a short introduction about myself in front of the entire school! Scary. After I did that, the principal asked if Sophie and I would do an activity at every morning assembly. He wants all the students to have some access to native English. Of course we happily agreed so every Tuesday I will do a presentation of some sort. I might read an English story and ask questions, teach the students a tongue twister, teach them a new phrase or slang, talk about American culture or teach them about an American celebrity. Just about 10-15 minutes of English for the students to listen to. Pretty cool! My second day was even better than the first. I had three 6th grade classes with Sophie. The first and the last were new classes but the second one of the day was the same as Monday, so we started our unit on weather. They played a game and I could really tell what a fun teacher Sophie is, which made me so excited to teach with her! (Even more than before!)

After lunch, the principal gave me some tea that he made. It was so delicious. He loves tea and I told him I did too so he made me a bottle of cold tea. I asked Sophie if she had ever had his tea and she said he doesn’t make it for teachers very often…just when something is special. It was so nice of him!! I cannot wait to start learning Chinese so I can talk to him more. Sophie and I didn’t have afternoon classes so we spent the time chatting about school and life and it was great! What was not great was discovering the bus I take in the morning came at the exact same time as my train in the afternoon. Aka, I couldn’t make the bus and would either have to wait 50 minutes at the bus stop or walk all the way home. I didn’t discover this on Monday because Lakyn and I got dinner straight from my arrival at the station. So, I walked all the way home on Tuesday and it was not fun. I have to find another bus! I’ll have to ask Kevin.

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