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"You're Vegan?"

So by popular demand, I'm adding a lifestyle section to the blog! I asked a while back what people wanted to see on the new site, and this was a very popular one. Lifestyle includes food & recipes, workouts, clothing, brands I like etc. This will help give a closer glimpse into my life and the things I yay!

Quick apologies for being a bit MIA on the blog lately...I have been mildly overwhelmed with work the past month so the blog has taken a back seat but not anymore! I'm back!!

So for the first installment in the lifestyle blog, I have an exciting announcement! I've decided to go fully plant based! For those who know me, you know I've been vegetarian for 17 years but as of last month I've decided to take that last step and go full on vegan! Just personally, I feel that if I do not need to harm another living being in order to live, I shouldnt. And while milk, egg and cheese do not physically kill the animal, due to factory farming and the high demand for animal products, animals are not treated well, even if they do get to stay alive. So, I've made the decision I no longer want to contribute to that. So vegan it is! I will say, I think it's pretty easy to be vegan when I'm eating at home and can cook for myself. Eating out is a bit more tricky but luckily Tel Aviv is one of the most vegan friendly cities in the world!

My top three vegan places in Tel Aviv right now are:

1. Bana

( Bana is all small plates that use fresh local ingredients and the menu changes constantly. The food is all incredibly unique, making it a necessary destination! They have great service and a super fun atmosphere. It's a bit expensive but worth it in my opinion!

2. Anastasia

( Anastasia is a cafe with fantastic vegan food. It has a really wide range of options on the menu, so you can always find something you like. It's a popular spot in Tel Aviv, so it's usually pretty busy...don't forget to make a reservation!

3. Market

( Market actually has two locations in Tel Aviv, although I've only been to the Dizengoff branch. It is hearty vegan food, with lots of soups and stews. It's like home cooking, comfort food. Perfect for winter (or anytime really!)

If you have any other recommendations in the area, let me know! Always happy to try and explore new places!

In other food and health news: I've gone back to doing daily shots of apple cider vinegar. If this is something youve never heard of...listen up! Although I am not a doctor and have no medical expertise of any kind...I'm pretty positive that apple cider vinegar is a cure all. When I was training for a half marathon in Taiwan a few years ago, my knee became so swollen and sore, I couldnt bend it. I had taken ibuprofen for days with no change. My mom sent me an article from the local paper about how a local runner had taken a shot of apple cider vinegar everyday to help with swelling. So, with nothing to lose, I went to find apple cider vinegar. I took it for one day....the next day my knee was completely back to normal!!!! I continued to take it while I trained and never ran into the issue again. It's also been linked with good pH balance, lower blood sugar, increasing good cholesterol, detoxing your liver, weight loss, blocking bad bacteria, strengthening bones, improving heart health, curing dandruff and more! So like I said earlier, cure all! You can find lots of scientifically backed info about it online if youre interested.

If you want to start adding this into your daily routine, you want to buy the unfiltered version. You'll know it's unfiltered because it won't be fully transparent and it will have sediment at the bottom. Your bottle might say "with the mother". This has better benefits than unfiltered. You want to drink about 1-2 teaspoons. Some people like to dilute it with water (because honestly it is very difficult to get down!) but I personally just like to drink it as is. I find the water doesnt actually improve the taste in any way and then it just gives you more liquid to get down. I take the shot and then drink some water to wash it down. I have yet to find it in Israel, but in America, there is flavored/blended apple cider vinegar, which can make the shots way more pleasant and fun! My all time favorite is Fire Cider. They take all organic ingredients (including horseradish and habenero) and steep them in the apple cider vinegar, so if you like a good spicy kick, go check them out!

*Hey Fire Cider, please come to Israel!!* But until then, I'm using the below.

If anyone starts the shots, let me know how it goes! I'd love to hear more success stories!

Have a happy and healthy weekend everyone!

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